Scrapstore for play and creative arts

I thought the staff room might be a good place for mentioning this. is a new project based in France and the UK.

We are creating an online art and play scrapstore. Many teachers will be familiar with scrapstores in the UK but there appear to be none here in France yet. In addition to the resources saved for art and play, GRABART will save on scrapstore transport and storage costs as it's waste diversion service will be direct from manufacturer to artist. This will also enable artists and teachers to have a free membership, which in existing scrapstores, has to be funded.

To support the idea we are inviting new members to join the scrapstore for free, and we are looking for volunteer steering committee members and a volunteer web designer for the site (when you see it you'll see why!) we're also particularly keen to find a French speaking volunteer to represent us in French meetings and with French funding organisations, but if that's not you, please don't be put off.

We hope to choose several permanent project managers from the steering committee group when the project is up and funded.

Any support and ideas are much appreciated.

Cheers Hilary, Thanks for supporting the GRABART project, sorry about the rubbish members pages…I shall be off to work in the UK for a couple of weeks so will try to get it sorted when I get home, unless some IT junkie out there wants to get their fix by helping us out!

Brilliant idea Jo! Joined :slight_smile: