SFN is funded by a combination of advertising revenue and donations. This means that we can keep the site free for our members; the advertisers are funding it's existence. Those advertisers come in many shapes and sizes as you will have seen. One of those advertisers is the retail giant Amazon. The way it works is that any time you click on one of the Amazon links on SFN, anything you buy within the following 24 hour period will be credited to us as a referral. Shortly after, Amazon will credit our account with a small referral commission. That commission varies but it's usually around 5% of your purchases. Sometimes it is as much as 8% but not very often. That commission does not in any way affect the price of your purchases, it's just an incentive paid to us by Amazon for referring customers.
We only recommend products that we have tried ourselves or rate personally. You won't see recommendations for stuff that we don't believe in. But you will see information about lots of stuff that we do like. In fact, it's safe to assume that if you see a product endorsement on SFN we'll be receiving some form of renumeration one way or another.
I actively go looking for such opportunities. If I see a product I like and I think you might like it too, I will approach that company and attempt to get them to send one to me to trial, ideally for free, if that fails, then heavily discounted will suffice!
This does not mean, however, that I swoon at the thought of free rubbish and will try to tout it to you as the best thing since buttery baguettes. If it's crap I'll let you know.
So, if you want to support SFN all you need to do is start all of you Amazon shopping via our links on SFN and generally keep an eye on our ads.
Thank you again for all your support!
This is for Amazon France
and this one is for Amazon UK
“James Higginson is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk & Amazon.fr.”