Smoke Alarms in Gîtes

Can anyone please let me know if it is a requirement to have a mains powered smoke alarm in a newly renovated gite.

I intend to add battery operated smoke & carbon-monoxide alarms - I am interested to know if this is acceptable or if they have to be mains powered.


As far as I am aware… battery operated ones are OK… certainly used to be as we helped friends fit them into their gîtes some years ago…

I know they are OK in the council houses/apartments our commune rents out full-time.

Hopefully, someone will chime in with more info…

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this says it all… as at August 2020

batteries are fine…
but if it is via the mains… it must have battery backup in case of power cuts…

Keep the bill to prove you’ve got one (or however many)… some insurers like to see them… it all depends…

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We have battery operated smoke and CO2 alarms in gîte and rental property, which meets legal obligation. However also have a fire extinguisher and smoke blanket in the kitchens.

When we had the gîte classified we discussed with the inspector why the current 112 point system includes things like a ‘phone (totally irrelevant these days!) but makes no mention at all of safety features. Apparently this will change soon’ish.

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Perfect - thanks @Stella

Remember they can’t be ionisation type due to the radioactive element so optical only