Somebody should tell the chasse in region 53 that the date is the 22nd September! I was awoken last Sunday morning by the sound of horns blaring, dogs barking and shotguns firing at the rear my property. Ordinarily (even though I'm appalled at the idea of hunting with dogs) this wouldn't be a problem, but all three of my dogs were out in the garden at the time. Quite what they all thought of the mad English woman running around the property in my nightgown as I tried to catch my three terrified dogs, I don't know ....
Fame at last!!! La Sarthe is the last Department to start killing defenceless animals!!!
I shall be waiting on Sunday. We shall have the ritual of the hunter who is actually likely to be a poacher because he is not from here and has indiscriminately kept going after crossing the hunt boundary. He will will be quite a few sheets to the wind and have no idea how to train dogs. There he will be, within 150m of our house paying no attention to children and threatening to shoot our dogs if they don't go away. Of course, his dogs will be careering around everywhere and his gun will be loaded and cocked. As I have done in the past, I shall photograph him and take his pic to the mairie.
Why can't they actually map out where they go and do not? Why are these braconniers tolerated and not punished. I have no actual problem with hunting but the people who do it need to get real. The laws and rules are for each and every one of them for everybody's protection.
Hi Jo,
Post the link to the whole post on LIFT and it should appear by some web wizadry!
Or this one
Thanks James - I went to the site but couldn't find the colorful map you posted.Where can I find it? I would like to put on LIFT( or maybe Catherine would like to do that) for the ladies info. Thx
Thanks James, makes us laugh how they have all their camouflage gear topped off with an orange veste!
When does it close again
Thanks James - yes, just one more quiet Sunday, though we are surrounded by tall maize fields at the moment, obviously full of activity which sets our dog off at all hours. So perhaps a small blessing that the chasse will be back - at least until the maize is harvested.
Ten days of peace left then, time to dig out the refletive jacket
Thanks for info James, only seemed 5mins ago they had stopped !!