Starting back at the Chambre de Commerce tomorrow

Both my sister and I work for the local Chambre de Commerce - we teach English in industry in the Deux Sevres(79)

The work is both varied and interesting - we have worked in a car factory, a cheese makers, a ladies fashion designers, plus many more locations - anyone else doing this??

Thank you very much

I just telephoned and spoke to the “antenne chargé” and he gave me the name and number of the person I wanted to speak to - I rang her and organised and interview over the phone.

Hello Helen, may I be so bold as to ask did you just approach the Chambre de Commerce or were they advertising in your area?

Yes, we both do - they expect you to be able to make yourself understood in French in the classroom if required - there are varying levels of fluency amongst the team. Hope that helps!

Gosh - we get paid the minute we are teaching outside the CCI - Sounds like you had a raw deal with your work. In fact, I’ve just got back from my first hours for the New Year…

Thanks for the tips. Do you both speak French? Has it been an advantage in gaining / keeping the teaching positions or does it not make any difference? I do speak French - just curious!

I am having a baby in March so I don't think I will contact them until later on in the year - ease myself in to it all!



Hi Nicola,

Whilst I have a Cert Ed and TEFL qualification, the CCI I worked for was most interested in native speakers. The TEFL will help, of course.

I got assistance via ANPE (now Pôle Emploi) with my lettre de motivation and my cv. I e-mailed both, heard nothing for a couple of months, then was asked to go for an interview, including a micro-teaching session when they needed someone.

Just a thought, in my experience, the work evaporates in July and August, so you might be better off contacting them sooner, rather than later. Good luck!!

Hi Helen, 50 kms to CCI unpaid, therefore 100kms unpaid there and back. paid travel expenses for outside work, but it ended up not worth my while.

Re your question below, yes, i'm still teaching.

The TFL/ TSOL qualification should be fine - some of us are qualified teachers, some have business background with tfl/tsol.

I had a friend help me with my lettre de motivation and cv as I wanted it laid out French style. but I actually tang them and asked for the person who managed the training at the CCI - They were all very helpful.

Hi Helen

I am thinking of contacting my local Chambre de Commerce later on in the year to do exactly that. Do you have any advice? Are you a qualified teacher? I am qualified to teach TEFL/TESOL with business.

Oh and happy new year!


Sorry, I meant to ask about your current work - still teaching?

Luckily for us we don’t travel too far as we seem to have two teams of teachers that work in the north and the south. We do however get travel expenses. Did you not get those, or was it just a matter of logistics?

Hi Helen, I’ve done this in the past and you’re right, it’s very varied and interesting. I’ve stopped now because the work/ petrol expenditure was impossible - my specific case. Have found similar work which suits me better, but working for the CCI was great experience.