Tax 2021 (2020 income)

Thanks Graham. Our finances are quite straightforward. I have looked at the help but need a bit of guidance on foreign pay that qualifies for tax credit and where to put annuity income - it was a pension fund that has been used to buy an annuity. Thanks again for your help.

ha… not that straightforward then… I mentioned your post to @strudball and I’m sure he will respond. There is also @JohnBoy who mentions that his help person has a form (in English) that he fills in and sends off to aid completion of the return so a number of opportunities to explore.

Is there a translated version of the 3916, perhaps?

Have had no luck finding a tax helper so wonder if anyone can help with my tax queries. We moved here on 1 December 2020 so only have to declare income for that month. Most of the help seems to be about pensions and investments but we also have salary (husband’s final weekly pay paid in December but earned in November when we were living in UK so I think this qualifies for tax credit). I have government pension so this is straightforward but my husband’s pittance is classed as annuity so not sure where this goes - it’s not an innovative annuity. Should we declare pension funds not claimed yet? I would be grateful for any help anyone can give.

Not that I’m aware of. The form is pretty straight forward though. Is there some part you don’t understand?
This is a link to the form 3916_3425-2.pdf (341.9 KB)
Highlight areas you don’t understand and use use Google to translate it maybe?

Didn’t you get any replies at all from wither @strudball or @JohnBoy ? Maybe they have been out all day.

I would think that as this was earned in November when you lived in the UK it will be outside the requirement to declare to France.
This reference indicates an Annuity is taxable in France and would seem to be placed in the same category as State or Private Pension.

I would think not as you have not received any income from them.

Hi @rendi60 …I have a guy who does my tax but he told me when I spoke to him yesterday that he isn’t taking on any more clients until the end of the year at the earliest. He is finding it difficult to service the number he already has. So sorry can’t help.

Thanks very much Graham. strudball has sent a reply now which is much as I expected that I have it a bit late!

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Thanks anyway, I thought I had left it a bit late to ask for help.

@rendi60 As it seems you will now fill in the return yourself, is it the paper version or online and have you looked through the help guidance sheets up the page?

Yes I am going to try to do it myself. It is the online version as it seems that is our only option this year. We went past the tax office in Guingamp yesterday on the way to the vaccination centre and there was a massive queue so going there doesn’t seem to be an option! I have looked at the help and it is really good. On the online version there is a pop up you can tick if you have any queries and I think I will try that if I still feel unsure. Thanks so much for your help.

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There are lots of posts in this topic covering a wide variety of queries which you can use as a reference too.
Just take you time through it and use Google or DeepL to translate anything you don’t quite understand and you’ll be fine. Remember it’s not a one shot thing. You can leave off at any time and go back to continue/change anything as required - even after you have submitted it (for a time, anyway).

Hello @rendi60
As you are aware the deadline is fast approaching for 2020 tax form submissions and having spoken with our contact they were quite blunt in advising that they wouldn’t thank me for handing out recommendations to contact them at this time as already at full stretch.
As always french replies say it how it is!!
Please contact me when the tax season has passed September? and will be happy to pass on details.
Really sorry that I I can’t be more helpful on this occasion.

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Thanks for trying anyway.

Thanks anyway, I will persevere…

This link (147.7 KB) will give you a literal translation from Google which may help a little in understanding what’s what. It’s not ideal but may be better than nothing!

Hi all, thanks for all of the great info in this thread so far, especially the stuff around the 3916 form, it has been super useful for somebody who is way behind on their French language skills then they should be for living in France!

I’d also like to try and get a bit more clarity on some other parts and i’m hoping I can do so here if possible as I’m not completely sure how to go about declaring any income that I had from the UK while I was in the process of moving to France.

I personally consider that I ‘officially’ moved to France in the middle of December 2020, but I actually initially travelled to France at the end of October 2020 to hunt for an apartment and setup a professional activity so that I could operate in France as self-employed. When I moved in December, I had resigned from my job in the UK and had taken my previous employer on as my first client in France, but during the period before that I was still employed in the UK and just temporarily working remotely (and taking paid holiday).

I guess that one thing to note in the above is that my business activity was officially created (with URSSAF) from mid November, I also signed a tenancy agreement around that time as well.

So my question is in terms of my personal tax return, when would I need to start reporting income from? If it was from the second time that I arrived in France then I don’t think I have to report any UK income since that was all wrapped up thus saving me from filling out 2047 whereas if it was from November then I guess I would need to fill out 2047 as there is some overlap?

I guess what I am looking for is a clear definition on how to determine when exactly I moved to France in the eyes of the tax man? I saw this page, but it doesn’t really help me so much other than to tell me that I am not obligated to report anything from when I lived outside of France.

Any help on this would be great so thanks in advance!

Is there a standardised exchange rate £-> € to use for 2020. I have emailed local tax office but have not had a reply.

@Mat_Davies In the help sheets above, the suggested rate is 1.13 and I provided a table of ECB closing rates for the year. The conventional wisdom is to use whatever rate you can justify (or have been told to use by the fisc) but keep records of what you have used and why with your own tax file papers to produce if later challenged.
In that range, the difference between rates will be academic and amount to centimes in the grand scale of things.

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