Taxe d'habitation 2024

For those affected, bills are now in your impôt online.

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And it’s all gone mad on Facebook, people up in arms that taxe d’habitation has gone up and they only use their French house every second July.

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Obviously I know how to find it …
but for the benefit of the thickos, could you tell me where to find mine?

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This is getting a bit “find the lady”.

Taxe d’hab disappeared, but did not disappear.

I’m sure someone on SF said a long way back, that actually the mairies didn’t get the taxe d’hab money, and that it was funnelled off elsewhere ie more centrally… Presumably various central funds are distributed to mairies based on various formulae.

And yet, there’s a headline to an article to click on The Connexion’s “Please Subscribe To Us” email of today (I can’t see the article content) that says mairies could be trying to replace taxe d’hab with some sort of '“contribution citoyenne” ? Sounds awfully like yet another tax.

So taxe foncier goes primarily to mairies? And taxe d’hab didn’t fully go away after all, but became more swingeing for people still subject to it that use less, not more, services, than those not subject to it? So possibly a 3rd tax now?

And this when we seem to still have a fairly centrist government, as compared to other parties who would need to tax more to fulfil their promises if they came to power?

I think i’d rather have taxe d’hab back please.

I found mine as a new document on the impots app, so you should find it in your online account if you have one.

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I shall go digging tonight.

I don’t think I’ve got one …


Thanks, @Stella .

If I understand it correctly, I need my “numéro fiscal présent dans le cadre “Vos références” de votre avis d’impôt”, which I haven’t yet seen (it may be waiting when I get there).


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I too thought tax d’hab had finished and have received no notification of one.
How will it arrive, email or post?

It is finished for main residence…

it might be coming back as a Tax on Ponds ??? (only joking…)

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I think I’d drown myself. :rofl:

I had bad night, then after getting up remembered this thread. Ours was 592 Euros, now paid. Too dozy to look up last year’s.