My OH and I have received our “Attestation de droits” today, but are unsure if the Social Security numbers are temporary or “the real thing”. How can we tell? It is a 15 digit number with no letters in it. I believe the first 13 are the Social Security number. Grateful for any advice.
If it is the first thing you’ve received from them, it’s a temporary number and is fine to use until your Carte Vitale arrives (which may be a long wait!)
Another indicator (but possibly only if you have a UK S1?) is whether it has “99” embedded in it - 6th and 7th digits I think. Your permanent number will have that in it as it denotes “foreign”
Thanks for the information Angela. No S1 as early retirees, so assume they are temporary numbers. Just a thought, can we create our Amelie account with temporary numbers or do we have to wait for “the real thing”
I have a feeling temporary ones usually have a lot of zeros in the middle.
12345600000789 10 sorta thing, but maybe that isn’t the case anymore.
As I understand it the website will reject temporary ones when you try to set up an Ameli account, but it’s always worth a try perhaps.
Thank you Kirstea. There are lots of 00000 and my application on Ameli (just tried it) was declined. So deffo a temporary number.
Kirstea beat me to it! Yes, temporary number works fine for reclaiming doc visit costs etc but until the Carte Vitale arrives that’s about it…
Sorry, since I was mentioning many zeros I thought I’d add the other bit, I wasn’t intending to butt in
You weren’t butting in! I did wonder why no-one else was contributing and then realised it was lunchtime Nice to know that SF members are properly integrated into French culture…
Not entirely…just sat down with my after lunch coffee - which is a bit late in French terms. Somehow we have kept to the UK habit of having a main meal in the evening, but still taken to the French habit of a ‘lunch’ rather than a sandwich at my desk. Not good for the waistline.
I sadly was on a conference call about an musician suing his ex girlfriend over custody of a dog, so sadly although I would much rather have a nice lunch with a couple of glasses of something, the work based petty squabbles of barely recognisable celebrities have put a kibosh on that. Although after that call I may well need a couple of glasses of something, be it rosé or arsenic…
Go for the rosé…Johnny Depp wannabees don’t deserve you to suffer more (we actually don’t drink at lunchtime as find it ruins the afternoon…)
Save the arsenic for someone else (celebrity?) - it’s not a nice way to go, I understand! Rosé now… that’s a very different matter
There was a time when I could have a single glass of something at lunchtime without losing the rest of the day but those times have long gone I have a feeling that Kirstea is a LOT younger so probably is still resilient
Well if everyone else carries on talking about Le Pen and Brexit I might abandon caution…
It’s funny, this is exactly what we all said! The trouble with a lot of these people is that they see this insanity by people with more money than sense and think ‘if they did it, so can I’ not appreciating that not only is it a ludicrous idea to begin with, but that as they are more Johnny Who? than Johnny Depp, they barely have two nickels to rub together as it is without going down the route of litigation over an (albeit much loved) family pet. But alas, I think he has more of a sensible view now so perhaps I can now see whether this mornings baguette has some life in it still or has turned to stone as they tend to do 4 seconds after I leave the Boulangerie
When we got our dog the breeder was insistent that there could only be one name on his papers as she didn’t want any of her pups ending up in a tug of war divorce battle. Sounds as if she was sensible…
For what it’s worth Coralie, my wife got her temporary number on the 28th of August last and her card only arrived a couple of weeks ago. We phoned Ameli a couple of times and they were helpful but the message was “your card’s in production, don’t panic”.
At that British Embassy meeting last week, John, the question of Carte Vitales (naturally) came up and the advice was - “could easily be 6 months”. Sounds like that was an underestimate in your wife’s case
There do seem to be far more issues around this area actually so that seems like a very smart move. I should add just for clarification that my work is on the celebrity side of the issue rather than the pet custody battle side of the issue, although perhaps ‘pet litigation’ is an untapped area I could conquer to make my fortune Although with the amount Americans love to sue each other it wouldn’t surprise me if there was already a healthy market in this area over there…