The Chasse on Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday

If you want one for next year…

The fact that our previous generations made the ultimate sacrifice to give us our freedom should not mean that we have the freedom to disrespect them on the one day of the year when we should be visibly honouring them.
Is it really too much to ask ???


…. and yes, I do support the right of the local ACCA to manage effectively the number of wild animals.
But not on the 11 nov
Show some respect.


Whilst in principle I do not agree with flobil’s evidently Angloid view of how the French should live, we were 2 of 4 poppy wearers who turned out on Monday - and I felt a little inner glow when the maire made reference to the evidence of our presence in his opening remarks of welcome. It was otherwise a poor turnout for a commune of around 2,400. Two local chasses nowadays unite to ‘work’ our large rural commune. They kept their silence that day.


Oh, get over yourself. Freedom isn’t limited to the activities that you approve of, the clue is in the name.


IMO unless you are French, it is not for you to judge or to tell the French how to honour their war dead.


and as I’ve mentioned… my friendly Adjointe (who is French) made it quite clear that each person is at liberty to do as they please… (within the law, of course :wink: )


I’ve just been reading about the suggestion of abolishing one of France’s Bank Holidays… to ease the social debt (or something).

8th May and 11th November are on the list for consideration…

Thank heavens I’m retiring, I’ve quite enjoyed having a guaranteed holiday on my birthday.

I sympathise, but would go further in that I’d like France and all other countries to adopt Bhutan’s philosophy. But that will never happen!

Bhutan has a cultural and religious foundation rooted in environmental preservation and respect for life, which has led to a strong legal stance against sport hunting.


Speaking as one who carefully captures all sorts of invaders in the house, flies, wasps, beetles, butterflies, spiders etc. etc, and releases them to the scenery, I fully agree.
I don’t go so far as to carry a broom with me everywhere to sweep little insects away from the path of my boots, as the Jains do, but I do try very hard to avoid them when I see them.


I agree with all you’ve said…and do likewise.

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I was drinking a glass of pineau the other day, took another sip to find a fly in my mouth. It was still moving, so dowsed it in water and left it to warm up, sober up, but the alcohol had killed it. The things we do!!!

Personally I wouldn’t go as far as giving CPR to a fly, but I’m not a fan of killing animals for fun. Can’t really see the point of fishing either (in the pastime sense, not ramassage de poissons for food), though lots of people enjoy it.

As for la chasse I have yet to experience it personally, but my gut feeling is that there is some purpose to it from farmers’ point of view, even if the actual execution (no pun intended) is more about boys having a booze-fuelled day out letting off noisy guns. :smiley:

As it will all of us in due course :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

@John_Scully Ha ha, yes it is a flower but why did you say it to me? I couldn’t agree more about a foriegner having a word will not go down well. Although recently moved to France, we have been here before for 15 years to do understand how to speak and ‘politesse’. I didn’t think saying what I thought on an Anglo forum would cause such a problem? I do not know who you mean when you say "Audrey in To the Manor Born, or (Madame) Hyacinth Bucket. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: " as I do not watch English TV, nor have for many years.

@Lost_in_France thank you, I agree. It is not a question of ‘freedom’ @JohnH but a question of laying down arms as Armistice means


Given that I spent Monday at the Hotel des Invalides, I think I know what Armistice is and it’s nothing to do with hunting. To try to link it is somewhat abstruse

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It’s actually little to do with France, it’s manners in general. @flobil If a French person turned up in an English village and started complaining about local customs and practices I’d say the same. If you don’t like it soddez vous off :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I understand politesse but this is something strange. A day to celebrate the laying down of arms and then people shooting guns?

I am with local customs and living in France. We have not arrived and started complaining, indeed the opposite. This was only a post on a forum not a letter to the mayor!

As for ‘soddez vous off’ that is a gross thing to say and completely unnecessary.

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I agree with you in principle, just as I find the American obsession with owning guns and parading around shopping malls and fast food outlets with them very weird - but clearly the French have a different opinion about this, and it’s their country. :slight_smile: .

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