Thrive cat treats

Our cat enjoys Thrive cat treats. In particular, the chicken liver version, which seems to be pieces of chicken liver freeze-dried.

He also enjoys Dreamies (“Catisfaction”) but Madame considers those junk food so we keep it quiet.

I don’t think Thrive is available in France. Would anyone have a suggestion for a substitute?

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Ours are Dreamie junkies. Also Felix Party Mix. They line up underneath the ‘dreamie drawer’ where they are stored every morning. If you ignore them, they get withdrawal symptoms and start to play up terribly. Havent heard of Thrive, but they’ll eat any sort of treat really.

I’ve not seen them in shops, but they are available online, Zooplus definitely have them.

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Zooplus - thanks.

I like the (apparent) purity of Thrive. He gets Dreamies too - seems to like all flavours - but they seem a bit manufactured.

I’d love it if he’d like bits of prawn as the “jackpot treat”, but he’s not interested.

Jamón Serrano, on the other hand, saucisson and chorizo … unfortunately too salty.

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Foie Gras?

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Animal Factory has these among others, The Pig is crazy about them.

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Our cat, Tigre’s favourite snack is Gigi’s food…

Someone else’s food is always more tempting :rofl: The Pig loves my daughter’s dog’s food, he lives in Paris but when they come she gets barf sent here for him and there’s always a little treat in with it, last time was freeze-dried wagyu lung, very delicious, obviously. Pig was wild for it.

Don’t see much of that in this part of the Aveyron…

The daughter’s dog is a Parisian hipster :rofl:

Here he is in the métro.