UK cars - where to put your Crit'Air sticker

Still open to interpretation! The “side opposite the driver” could mean “in in front of” or “on the other side of the windscreen”. :slight_smile:

ETA: (Although I think a careful reading of the many preceding posts will suggest that they mean the passenger side on LHD vehicles, driver’s side on RHD).

Welcome to the forum, and my deepest gratitude for re-igniting my somewhat notorious thread! :smiley:

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Ahh fo123 (welcome BTW) you enter territory where angels fear to tread…

Is that for a LHD or a RHD car? :joy::joy::joy: I’m a top right man myself, regardless.

I refer the Honourable Gentleman to the post edit that I made some moments ago. :smiley:

Thank you for that Chris. I can only offer the languid nature of my posting as an insufficient apology. By the time I get around to hitting the “Reply” button the ruddy discussion has moved on :roll_eyes:

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this video clearly shows how and where to place the Crit’Air sticker… language skills are not necessary… :wink:

and I think this video has already been posted but I reckon someone might have missed it… :wink:

Hahaha sorry for the reignition… thought i would add my 2 pence / francs / euros

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Actually I think I made the edit a few seconds after you posted your reply, so let’s call it a draw. :smiley:

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Well done Stella, the fact that you can stick it anywhere you want on your moto, forks, mudguard, etc. just proves its location is irrelevant. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I must order one for my moto, I might stick it on the front of my helmet.

Not on cars/vans though - I think they want it in that specific place for future use by automatic camera checks?

The Crit’air sticker on my bike is inside its small windscreen, in the approved lower right position. :smiley:

The first one I had for the bike I put inside a old-fashioned tax disk holder attached to the frame - it lasted a couple of days before someone nicked it.

(Mind you I was parked in Slough at the time).

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I may be wrong, but why would they set up set up a new camera system when the existing ANPR systems can just look up the vehicle on the ANTS database? Or if they do set up a new system then the cameras can look at the whole front of the vehicle, not just the bottom lefthand corner of a fast moving windscreen.

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I’ve seen them do checks in Paris, while on foot, with a barcode scanner so I guess they want it on the car’s nearside so they can check from the pavement. I guess a bit less relevant on a bike. Mine is on the bike windscreen, just below the insurance tag.

I know we’ve thrashed this subject back and forth… but it seems reasonable to put the sticker where they tell/show us…

even if we might continue to disagree/thrash-about various possible reasons for Crit’Air /Govt choosing the particular placement/spot.

Ours is sitting in “the correct place”… and we can rest easy… phew…

Wish this thread would :blush:

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Serves you right for going to Slough.

And especially for parking a motorbike there.



The Sticker goes at the bottom left hand side in the UK car. I can officially confirmed that. I have contacted through email and this is the proof. So don’t put on the right hand side in the UK car or good luck with that MOT.

Good morning,
Please stick the sticker on the side opposite the driver.


Le service de délivrance des certificats qualité de l’air.

Where’s your inner anarchist Stella? The only place I won’t put it is where “the Man” tells me to :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I wanna be free….

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I know, but needs must. I was buying some new specs and that’s where the branch of Brillen was.

We have been over this way back, if it complies with the UK spec and swept wiper area its fine on the bottom RHS.

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Hello @Loki_Ban and welcome to the forum…

At this stage of the Thread… I think we are talking about where France expects the Crit’Air sticker issued by France… to be placed in cars in France…
and France’s cars are expected to be LHD… :wink:

As the video clearly shows, this is inside, on the lower windscreen, on the right-hand-side of said windscreen… as one views it sitting inside the car… :+1: :+1:
and, as with all LHD cars, this is on the side opposite the Driver…

Our cars are RHD and we’ve had the stickers in place since their inception… on the windscreen, low right corner… in front of the steering wheel…,
No problems with French Control Technique .

Oh great. I was hoping we would make it - 300 replies - what fun.

I still have not stuck ours on to our newbie’s windscreen - the sticker is lying on the kitchen table awaiting the sticker that tells us who to phone in the event of an accident - I’m concerned they both may need to go in the same place, so I’ve done nothing about it.

(I’m surprised one of our bots hasn’t replied to this - maybe they have and we haven’t noticed, it’s all a bit nerdish. :slight_smile: )