I’m not hopeful given they’re reversing/back tracking on their electric policy in the world rally cross championship and other series. I suspect that’s down to the major battery fires which destroyed the pits/cars of two teams in Britain’s round of the world RX championship and similar fires elsewhere They also seem to be studying the future of hydrogen closely
Ah… and from what you’ve said to @Badger … it’s a special build… sounds wonderful, as do the events you talk about.
I’ve not heard my Dutch pals complaining about Crit’Air (yet) and I’ll be interested to hear what they have to say about this year’s events… (they drive elderly Dutch regd cars)
best of luck
Not really a special build. Its a 1966 Amazon stripped back to bare metal and then rebuilt (in 2016) almost exactly as it was when first sold. The only difference is the addition of a sump guard, roll cage, electronic ignition, and Brantz electronic navigational/timing equipment. It still has the original carpet, door cards, dash etc.
I did think of importing it, and when I imported our Skoda from the UK I did ask both the very helpful bagpipe playing (Scottish pipes, not Breton) customs official dealing with us, and our local CT official for help/advice.
They both said don’t - too complicated, too expensive and at the end of the day it might be refused.
But would it be ‘fair’ to allow e-cars in the same competition? ICE and e run under totally different criteria - such as widely differing range and acceleration (we can all only speculate why @John_Scully opted for an e- BMer!). Surely there needs to be at
least two different classes.
It’s all cost related A hybrid competing in the world rally championship costs £6k more than a conventional one,
Handling, range, build quality and hatchback. It hasn’t disappointed.
I was a rally enthusiast in my day, I serviced with the Chequered Flag Lancia Stratos in the seventies when Per-Inge Walfridsson (who cut his teeth in a Volvo 142 @Highlander), Tony Pond and Cathal Curley drove for the team. I subsequently lost interest when pace notes became prevalent. I think classic rallying is the only form that’s still interesting and EV rallying just wouldn’t work.
Walfridsson and Jensen (who was a bit of an ass) on the RAC.
banged them on the dashboard presumably
Actually they rolled on the 1976 Welsh rally. Per, who was small in stature scrambled out but Jensen, who was a tall bulky bloke, got his helmet stuck and nearly fried. I never met either of them again, Jensen may have retired but Per, I think, moved to rallycross, which I guess he felt was a lot safer. I still have the oil pressure gauge that I “liberated” from the wreck back in the Flag workshop. The flag acquired another Stratos after that.
How did I miss this thread?? thanks for the giggles while freezing in the car while the boy plays in the park!
It’s becoming a minor classic which I am quite proud of. Apologies to James for all the server space it’s taking up.
We have just received by post all the paperwork for our new(ish) Renault and (without any prompting from us) lo and behold a Crit’Air sticker has turned up with a “1” in the circle (which I’m sure is a good thing).
So, I feel I need to check in with all of you who have been through this serious process and ask whether, from your experience, you have any words of wisdom to impart, in order that I place the sticker perfectly.
I am wondering, for example, should I clean the window first? Do I need a tape measure? And would you recommend a spirit level to make sure it is perfectly vertical and horizontal?
I realise that as ours is a French car the whole process may be a whole lot easier that if it was a car from the UK.
Popcorn at the ready
It’s alive!!!
Bien sur - “bottom right hand side” as viewed from inside the car - no need to measure unless you are driving a Star Destroyer - it’s only Imperial Stormtroopers who are so precise…
What no swept area of the screen restrictions?
Wait till the windscreen is dirty, run the wipers and that will mark the area you need to stay clear of when identifying where to stick it.
You can clean the windscreen afterwards.
But is that if you’re sitting facing the front or the rear?
Just to let you know @SuePJ I hold you fully responsible
Whichever you prefer - as long as you are happy to explain your choice to the gendarmes…
I can imagine those very few, more cosmopolitan(!) English football fans singing,
‘You can stick your Crit Air sticker…’
I emailed them regarding this and their response
Good morning,
The sticker must be stuck at the bottom of the side opposite the driver.
Le service de délivrance des certificats qualité de l’air.