UK cars - where to put your Crit'Air sticker

By dial-up modem on a bulletin board. :smiley:

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And so they should as most are bloody freezing so obviously not burning more than an incense burner.

The church in our commune (like many around here) was built to be a “place of safety” for the people, as well as a place of worship.
Thus it’s got thick, thick stone walls, tiny windows etc.

Glorious during a heatwave. Nowadays, folk are invited to sit inside with their books/knitting/kindles to escape the killer heat (not the marauding foreigners of bygone times.).

In winter, it takes ages to heat, but certainly better than nothing.
EDIT: some local churches have no means of heating… aaaargh… brrrr

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My old college chapel has underfloor heating which leads to some interesting displays of apparent religious fervour in winter as people prostrate themselves on the lovely warm stone floor. Meanwhile in the stalls just wear lots of layers :rofl:


So that’s why they do it.

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And another one.

Une vignette Crit’air bientôt obligatoire pour rouler au sein de Nantes métropole

À partir du 1er janvier 2025, une zone à faibles émissions (ZFE) est mise en place au sein de Nantes métropole, hors périphérique. Tous les véhicules devront avoir une vignette Crit’air. Les plus polluants seront interdits de circuler pendant certaines périodes.

That’s great timing, thank you. I’m probably going to Nantes on January 7th because I’ve offered to drive a friend who has got an appointment at an eye clinic there. I will have to get my CritAir sticker out of the glovebox where it’s been lying for several years and stick it on the windscreen.

Do you need any advice on that?


I think I have finally solved the riddle of the Crit’air sticker and could now tell you where to stick it (but am far too polite).

How about if we all buy electric cars. We would not need crit’air stickers because we would not need LEZs. We would also stop poisoning millions of people in urban areas thus saving billions in healthcare. Who knows, we may even go some way towards saving the planet from climate change.

OK – time to get another soap box!

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Unfortunately all the advice seems to be for RHD cars. :confused:

The advice is for all cars :wink: and instructions come with the sticker.
Our French Crit’Air told us thus…
wherever one sits inside the car, the sticker goes on the inside of the windscreen, righthandside of the windscreen, lower corner section of the righthandside of the windscreen.

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Thanks @JaneJones - it’s the first town I’m at all likely to drive into! I’d better get the sticker out of the glovebox and apply it, just like @David_M_Matthews

Do you think I wasn’t aware of that? :slightly_smiling_face:

I must confess, your comment did make me wonder… hence my reply :wink:

That was the entire point of my original post - to help other UK loons with RHD vehicles who might encounter the same conflict of interest between UK MOT regs and French “where to shove your Crit’Air” regs. :smiley:

I eventually solved it by getting rid of my VW Passat in favour of a Honda Accord which has a more helpful windscreen wiper pattern.

Doesn’t that mean the sticker will become obscured by dirty road spray?

Partially - UK MOT regs allow a sticker to protrude 40mm (I think) into the wiped area. So it will be semi-detectable. :smiley:

There is no other way to comply with both MOT rules about “no stickers in the swept area” and French rules about “place it in the lower RH corner”.

Your Crit’Air sticker must be permanently affixed, you’re not allowed to have it in a holder so as to be able to remove it for a UK MOT test.

It was a Crit’Air thread joke!

And, you’re preaching to the converted, as I had the Crit’Air and a German Umwelt sticker within weeks of their introduction.

Sorry, I find it hard to distinguish comedy from reality these days! :smiley:

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Youre not the only one, and it doesnt just apply to crit air :joy: