… s’il est plus noble dans l’esprit de souffrir les frondes et les flèches d’un contrôle strict de la pollution
…ou en faisant un détour évitez-les!
After carrying my Crit-Air vignette around in the glove box of my Golf for over five years I had to stick it inside the windscreen to visit Nantes a couple of weeks ago. I have now sold the car and its replacement doesn’t have one. I will have to go through the whole stressful experience all over again.
You have my sympathies. Although unless you are planning to submit your car to the tender mercies of a UK MOT inspector, you will probably survive the ordeal unscathed.
My last contact with one of those will have been in 1983 so there’s no danger of that.
Having had Crit’Air stickers since they were introduced three of my cars have passed the UK MoT with C’A and a German Umwelt sticker at the lower right hand edge of the windscreen without any comment. I would add that four relatives also have vehicles that pass with C’A stickers.
MoT testers’ guidance is quite clear
You should only fail the windscreen if the view is significantly affected. If only the driver’s view of the sky or the bonnet is affected, it should not be rejected.
The following are only considered a defect if they seriously restrict the driver’s view:
*‘official’ stickers, such as parking and disabled permits*
Yes I’m sure, and I agree with you about the official guidance; but the original impetus of this long and winding thread was precisely because a UK MOT inspector was going to fail my car because of where my Crit’Air sticker was placed, and I wanted to alert other UK car owners to that possibility.
It was a combination of a VW Passat which has an unusual windscreen wiper pattern that goes a long way into the lower right corner, and a cranky MOT bloke.
A sticker can still encroach into the swept area by a max of 40mm, so your chap was probably just a grumpy old git.
Yes I found that out afterwards! But I only discovered that he had removed (and in the process of course destroyed) my sticker when I collected the car from the garage.