On my UK drivers’ forum someone posted that train drivers of ASLEF are all getting up to about £800 on top of their wages at Christmas & New year.
There followed a whole list of envious lorry drivers bemoaning the fact that we have never had a decent union and wishing their career paths had gone a different way.
Until this poster said:
happen to know a train driver -they do say that money cant by you happiness -and in his case its so true - pretty wife,plush house , cool car too ,but iv never seen him smiling . Iv not ever dared ask him if hes had a jumper or 2 in front of his train bothering him forever afterwards i reck its something awful like that has happened
to which I replied:
I’m with you @corij , are the rest of you all mad? It would take a lot more than that to persuade me to drive a thousand tonnes (and the rest) down a motorway made of shiny steel with wheels made out of the same stuff and as if that wasn’t enough, they’ve taken your steering wheel away from you as well.
I’d stick with the sixpence I could stop on.
And I meant it.