Travelling north to Limoges this morning went through 3 towns/villages with the road sign naming the village turned upside down. Couldn’t take a photo as driving but did read in Sud West newspaper yesterday about it. Clearly some organisation wants to draw attention to themselves.
@Stella have you seen the article?
And has any one seen up side down signs near them?
I was reading about it yesterday in Sud Ouest but can’t link it…
The piece said 800 signs in 200 Communes…
Young Farmers… bringing attention to the plight of Agriculture…
this link does work…
Quite wisely (in my view) some signs are being left as they are until things quieten down… thus avoiding it happening again… (hopefully)
Thanks @Stella
I think it is a very clever protest to draw attention and unlike so many other protests is quite harmless.
But of course there will be those who will say it is a distraction to the driver
I used to put various signs upside down because people would read them whereas the overload of signs and information means many are just blind to a new sign. Hope their campaign works.
They’ve left the “alternative” names in the correct position… so all should be well
(Actually, I think it’s interesting to highlight these “alternative” names … )
and as one approaches a town/village any Driver will be reducing speed to the 50kh or lower (if necessary) !!!
so will have plenty of time to decide which town/village is just ahead
They can say what they want. Farmers are the beating heart of a nation.
It is time that they got a decent return for their capital and labour.
It is worse in UK where the government wants to say that it has made treaties with n number of countries, never mind what the conditions are for home grown food.
The Junior Parliament sitting in the Commons the other day made this one of their main concerns.
Right behind you there Jane.
Yes there are a proportion who are overworked and underpaid, but that is not universal! Our neighbour gave an interview to local paper about how rich he now was having moved to dairy farming. He treats his cows like milk machines, not living animals, and has ripped out all hedges to get an extra few metres of hay production and steals all the village water so he doesn’t have to pay for it. All he cares about is money.
Farming is a tiny percentage of GDP
Agriculture en détresse, agriculteurs en colère. France is still the biggest agricultural producer in the EU. We’re down to 5th exporter in the world from 2nd 20 years ago. It’s important to us.
Your neighbour sounds horrible.
Yes it’s important, and France is very good at it. But less than 2% of the active population does not make “the beating heart” of the nation.
The same here in the south of Vienne 86.
SɹƎIɹp∀ and NI∀pɹ∩Oſ Ǝ˥SI,˥ to name but two …
Loads around Albi.
By us in Correze too.
I fully support the farmers but this method of protest is a gross distraction to drivers and thus a road safety hazard.
On my journey to and from the next village this morning I couldn’t say if ours have been affected, but if I was a stranger to the area trying to find my way, taking eyes off the road long enough to make sense of such a sign (even if there are 2) is worse than taking a phone call, or at least equal to.
I think if the likes of that confused or distracted me I would give up driving , no different to viewing and desiphering a town road map sign while driving.
Down here in the PO as well as reported in local news today. Wine growers already had confrontation with spanish wine coming through on A9 early last month, the cherry growers are angry too after heavy hail ruined the crop this year and of course, all the wild fires ruining livelihoods to say nothing of the drought.
I object to a system which treats vignerons as farmers. Down here in deepest Occitanie the vignerons have a long history of violent protests going back decades. The reality is that their product is a non-essential item unlike ,say, wheat. If all the vineyards disappeared tomorrow I would not shed a single tear:
Indeed, including hijacking lorries, and torching a supermarket in Carcassonne.
The farmers who started the red bonnets movement up in Bretagne torched the local Impôts where I lived previously, burned it to the ground and it was an office block in town, not a small provincial building. I think finally this summer, several years later on, three or four of the “red bonnets” were fined over €300,000 between them plus sentences in clink. I feel sorry for any producer of whatever it may be, time and money spent for nothing and families to feed and house.
Just read the local press and the frontier panel for Espagne has been turned upside down now.