We have wasps flying into a roof space and are pretty sure there is a nest in their. It is above a bedroom and this week my teenage nieces are staying up there but other than spraying the odd stray that comes into their room they don’t seem too worried.
Should I leave the wasps to die off in the winter or would it be better to get the nest removed. (Which would probably involve getting through a small trapdoor).
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Leave them be
I would leave to their fate at this time of year Teresa, very effective spray, ‘Super U’, ‘Cobra’, very cheap and very very effective on Wasps and Hornets , but oddly, useless on flies
Personally, I prefer to get rid of them. Get a can of Raid nest killer, stick your head through the hatch, find the nest, aim and squirt - they have a range of 5 to 8 metres.
I’ve used a spray, but do it in the evening when they are calmer.
Be Very carefull
And quick !!
Thank you for all your replies. If they don’t invade the living space I may leave them. A friend said the nest once vacated will put new wasps off.
Do not leave them. I had a very bad experience a couple of years ago, I had heard buzzing in my grenier, it’s my bedroom and hobby room, for some days but could never quite find where it was coming from.
I managed to track it down eventually to behind the plasterboard on the ceiling, it’s insulated. When I touched the ‘area’ it was hot and vibrating. A French friend 'phoned the pompiers and explained, result the pompiers arrived rapidly, one went onto the roof with a special spray. The other one was in my grenier and placed a sack under the hot spot. His colleague sprayed outside and the ceiling collapsed under the weight of the wasps nest, luckily into the sack. Although they were well kitted out they did have some stings. I was told that I was extremly lucky because if the weight of the nest had broken through while I was upstairs then I may not have survived. Imagine 3,000 angry wasps tumbling into a room ! I couldnt sleep up there for some days due to the chemical and some escapees! They had got in under the tiles, eaten all the insulation in one area, had eaten the plasterboard and there was onlt the flimsy paper bit between them and me. So please don’t delay. Mine was treated as a life threatening emergency and I wasn’t charged for the call out. Best to pay the 80 odd euros for it to be dealt with now for piece of mind !
I would never hesitate now if I heard the buzzing and saw any evidence to call out an expert without delay !
Lucky there Ann
Apart from Ann’s experience the main reason for removing the nest now is that it will avoid having lots of hungry bad tempered workers flying around once the nest is finished with producing males/new queens.
Oh gosh. We can hear the buzzing but I don’t know if it’s hot. Perhaps I had better move my nieces out tonight and call someone in the morning.
We used to get wasps nests in the attics every year. However a couple of years ago we invested a few euros in fake wasps nests and have not been bothered since… once you’ve dealt with this nest amd they’ve died off for the winter I can recommend fake ones.
We get plenty of loud buzzing at times, but they are ‘Cockchafers’, harmless, but sound intimidating and like our attic space.
Otherwise known, as ‘Doodle Bugs’, hence the ‘name’ for the ‘Buzz Bombs’ in WW11.
Well I can definitely see the wasps going in and out. My husband has inspected the ceiling and it is not hot and he can’t hear buzzing.
My nieces have rearranged the room and decided to stay up there with a massive tin of insect spray.
I will arrange a pest controller tomorrow.
In the circumstances Teresa, ‘nieces’, I wouldn’t take any chances either, another thing, if it’s only us!