I have just ordered some stamps online from La Poste. I have done this before with no problem, but it was a long time ago, so can’t remember what happened but I’ve never had a problem before.
This time when I pressed “telecharger mes timbres” it all happened really fast with no indication where the stamps were “telecharger” to. I’ve looked in downloads, documents, pictures and desktop and I cannot find them!
There is no doubt that the telecharger has happened - confirmed on their site.
I’ve tried doing a search on La Poste, timbres and the reference number on the confirmation email - no joy.
Normally, you have to click on the link in “mes commandes” for the button to download them to appear and sometimes there’s a delay between the acceptance of the order and the ability to download.
Also, you can download more than once and get to them via the downloading icon top right of your browser.
On the subject of stamps, I still have a good collection of various international stamps, and the old red priority ones, but they no longer sell the 1c, 5c and 10c stamps that made it easy to compliment the value (especially as the prices change every year). Sure you can go into the post office and ask them to compliment the cost for you, but it’s a pain if you’re doing it on a regular basis and have to visit a post office and queue each time.
For a basic letter yes, but if sending something slightly different or bulkier, then I can’t use a combination of stamps to get the right price without using the 1c, 5c or 10cent stamps which no longer exist unfortunately.
You might find they are no longer valid. I exchanged all mine at beginning of the year.
les anciens timbres sans code-barres ne seront plus valables après le 31 juillet 2023. Vous devez donc les échanger contre de nouveaux timbres avec code-barres avant la date limite.