Tom Hanks has said (taken out of context) he has only made four pretty good movies and judging from the article in the Guardian (yes, sorry folks) they are not his “big name” films.
I have loads of favourites.
I think Philadelphia is outstanding
Bridge of Spies
Road to Perdition
You’ve got Mail
But then there’s Castaway, Sully, Apollo 13, Captain Phillips … - impossible to choose just four!
The Guardian reckons Cloud Atlas is one of his favourites and they recommend it, even though it sank without trace. I might just try to find it.
I generally feel your taste is impeccable. But you have completely lost me! Have only seen two of his films and not bothered about more. Although to give him credit a couple of moments in castaway have stuck in my head.
Would Cloud Atlas be the book?
And waht impresses you that I seem to have missed?
He’s a great actor, but his films never set my world alight. Cloud atlas WAS good, but is probably too niche for most people, and I say that as a scifi fan. Castaway gave him the strongest, most memorable role I’ve seen him in.
He’s a little like Meryl Streep for me, who is really good in everything she does, but never memorable.
Not even Philadelphia? The scene with Denzel Washington when Tom is describing the opera I find breath-taking. I realise it’s not just Tom, but Denzel as well and an amazing use of the camera. And I think Denzel’s performance would not have been as magical if he hadn’t had that astonishing monologue from Tom to respond to.
You flatter me @JaneJones .
You’ve also got me thinking and I may have to come back to this again, when I’ve thought some more.
Somehow, I’ve always loved him in a “best friend boy next door” type of way. (For me, not sexy like Sean Connery, George Clooney or Brad Pitt. Tom is just a really good chum.)
I think many of the roles he takes on he plays them with great authenticity and control - not OTT (except when he needs to be as in Cast Away - “Wilson” is anguish). He’s also a generous actor (I’m not sure Meryl Streep is) in that he allows others around him to take the limelight when needed (as Denzel in Philadelphia and Mark Rylance in Bridge of Spies). He is in awe of Mark. I saw an interview where Tom said he’d never known such a capacity for stillness as Mark has.
I feel he’s got depth and integrity - maybe I like him as an actor because I like him as a human being.
Wolf Hall ? Hilary Mantel the writer has just died and there’s a lot in the press about how wonderful her writing is and how tragic it is she has gone.
Interestingly, there’s a case for saying that is how an actor ought to be. In other words, they are not overwhelming the part they are playing, but they become the part. I do think Tom Hanks has that quality. So he allows Sully, or Captain Phillips to talk through him. He is not playing “I am the great actor”.
Every couple of years we get The Money Pit out to watch, just never fails to make us all laugh and my french DIL loves it in english even though she dosn’t speak much. Splash was another feelgood film too especially as the brilliant John Candy was in it too.