White-label furniture

Wikipedia: A white-label product is a product or service produced by one company that other companies rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it.

YouTube videos mention sites like Spoken for North American retailers that show the prices of the same item sold by different retailers and the different markups.

Does anyone know of a French or European site like this?

Sorry Poj what is your connection to France? What problem are you trying to solve here?

I live in France. I’m looking for interesting furniture but not keen on purchasing at Galleries Lafayette prices if the same/similar item is available in another shop at a lower price. I’ve searched Google but fear my grasp of French is too poor to search with the right keywords. Right now, I’m reaching out for suggestions. A white label site may not exist in Europe…but it may.

Someone else helped me with one of my other questions. Something in their reply helped me to find what I was looking for, breaking up my tunnel vision. I’m just hoping for the same bit of luck.

I suggest you try Google Lens.

Cdiscount is also very good at coming up with many suppliers of same or similar product.

As, TBH, are Google or Amazon.

Since the flood of posts from you as a new user seem mostly to concern DIY type products and where to find them, can I also suggest manomano which is excellent.

Unless your intention was more connected with promoting the interests of US website Spoken and finding European sites that might be good connections for it?

Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes, I have several DYI projects that I hadn’t found solutions for. A few have been long-standing irritants that I hoped others may have also had but had been able to resolve.

I put Spoken and a comparateur d’assurances in the same category. Something that will do the searching for me across various sites but only one site to consult at first.

You are right, Google Lens is another great tool.