I don’t know what a “sentient being” is, being AT myself but I do like to see who I’m talking to. In reply to Andrew; the jollier the better, although mine is probably a bit silly. But then again, I don’t work for some secret organisation.
Seeing the person’s face/photo makes the rather impersonal internet contact a personal and friendly thing, I also think people who like to have a go should be obliged to “show” themselves (but should I be using a more serious photo…!) in short - putting a face to the friendly banter makes things so much nicer for me
A profile picture enhances the sensation that you are communicating with a sentient being and not merely some faceless machine or system. I also like the ability to count the number of heads visible to make a more informed decision about the advice I’m receiving.
We used to live in PNG...great place!
It’s great to see so many proper photos of you guys on Survive France, I really think it makes a difference to the level of conversation. That and the real name policy. Thanks everyone!
Hi i wanted to upload my photo onto my profile but I can’t see how to do it, its from my iPhone 5s. Thanks for any help.
Go here http://www.survivefrance.com/users/Catherine_Robinson/preferences
and click on Profile Photo, please let me know if you have any trouble, and apologies for delay in my reply!
There seems to be a reticence displayed by some members to provide photos - even though it’s a ‘membership’ requirement and not difficult to understand!
Maybe we can discuss the reasons for not providing one?
I’ll take on punt on it being because those not providing a photo are unbearably ugly or…maybe they have something to hide ??? or…???
Or maybe they are not who they claim to be, after all if Prince Charles want to post as Brain from Andorra we could all understand why he doesn’t want his photo to appear !
To be rather PC Simon I think you aren’t allowed to use ‘ugly’ any more, after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder blah blah…maybe you can change it to ‘features arranged in no particular order on the face’
Ann - you just gave me my Sunday laugh-out-loud moment - thanks !
Was brain used deliberately there Ann ?
Imagine if Simon turns up and finds Prince Charles in the Derby
You know what - it would be soooooooooo good to meet him in the Derby - I’m so bloody disappointed as it looks unlikely
Yes Nellie, I changed his name to protect his identity
Actually it was a typo but I shall keep it, one never knows if one will meet royalty, Simon could always take a quick flash when he meets Charles in The Derby
Can’t you pm him ? Of course do make sure he knows that you aren’t the 2euros a litre type !
I think he’s been banned ??? Anyway - quick flash - that costs way more !!!
Sorry to have responded to Stella’s request on your thread Simon - To answer your question - my reasons are threefold 1) I value my privacy 2) I value my privacy and 3) I value my privacy.
Of course l could be a hypocrite and publish a photo of some old bloke off the internet and avoid any conflict but l choose not to. If it really is a ‘Membership requirement’ perhaps those like me, who have chosen not to post a photo, should be suspended until they get in line. I’d be very interested to hear from others who have not posted a photo - I obviously have reasons for valuing my privacy but they are not open to public debate. Catharine once joked that someone said they had been a member of Mossad - What if it had been true?
I usually use my phone to look at survive France. Today I finally got my iPad out and worked out how to upload my photo. It was actually very easy in the end.
Hi Dan - I respect the fact that privacy is a very personal thing so…why join a forum where your photo is a requirement of membership?