Don’t need a telly
All stunning photos, thanks for sharing them Babeth
Nice photos.
Splitting hairs the 2nd pic is a pair of Damselflies.
How do you get so close? They’d be gone if I got within 10 meters. A dragonfly whisperer perhaps😉
Thank you Paul, I’ve learnt something today ! I thought they were all Libellules. Now I know the red ones are “Demoiselles”
Damselflies and dragonflies are very similar - the best way to tell them apart is that damselflies settle with their wings along their body, whereas dragonflies settle with the wings at right angles to their body which is well illustrated in the two photos that you took.
Other differences are that dragonfly eyes are larger and wrap around the whole head whereas damselfly eyes are a bit smaller and separate and dragonflies have a thicker thorax than body.
Will remember that Paul ! Merci beaucoup !
Patience Chris, patience … Just sit and wait for something to happen !
Apologies if I’ve posted this before. On Sue’s hand in the garden last year.
Amazing creatures, I haven’t seen one for years. Wonder if there is a lot of those around, in Brittany ? Would love to take a picture of one of those.
This little guy hitched a lift on my rear windscreen when I went shopping. He obviously needed to get to the nearest town
Love his shadow on the floor, could be very scary at night if you are half asleep !
They know how to live with their time ! Quick adaptation !
I think they are found throughout France. They don’t mind being picked up which makes them easy to photograph.