Look for some advice please. I have had a large building project completed and the builder, who is registered and insured, has failed to provide me with the final factures for the job. I obviously need this these if we ever decide to sell or pass the property on. I have asked 5 times now and keep getting ridiculous excuses as to why he hasn’t sent them. It’s been nearly 3 months since the work was completed.
I have sent an LRAR letter. It has been ignored.
I have paid over €10000 in TVA to him for the job and can’t help but think there is something sinister going on here.
If it were me, I’d remind him of his obligation to provide a facture définitive. Perhaps he’s thinking that without this, you’d be unable to chase him for any reparations under the garantie décennale.
Not the French way unless you know each other very well as friends I suspect.
istr a cheque i wrote in payment of a roofing bill wasn’t cleared through their bank until months later - nothing was said, but eventually I worked out this could have been the reason.
Costs for the job all in the previous year depressing the amount of tax to pay, and payment paid in the folowing year giving presumably another year to put costs from later jobs in the new year against, and reduce tax again I suspect
I am often surprised at the length of time it takes for some payees to present my cheques to their bank.
Recent examples include an osteopath, 9 weeks, SPANC (for mandatory fosse inspection) 15 weeks and my local MT, 5 weeks.
The problem is that by the time my account is debited I have already mentally marked the bill as paid, so the sudden drop in my balance used to take me by surprise.
I prefer to pay by transfer or card, but if cheque is the only option I now use my Credit Agricole account for that sole purpose, transferring the appropriate funds from my main bank account. The money then stays in CA until the cheque is presented and I have no nasty surprises!
The thing is he was paid in stages as is the usual with builders, so there is nothing to pay from me now. He just needs to make good the final paperwork.
We used to have to be careful when getting paid so that we did not exceed our TVA refund allowance for the trimestre and/or the yearly allowance regarding URSSAF etc so that could be the answer. Just send a letter LRAR reminding him to forward the final invoice as is your right.