Working as a HANDYMAN under the AE scheme

I plan on setting up a small business as a Handyman (Homme a Tout Faire).

after some research i think there will be no problem in doing this, but I would like to hear from any such persons who have gone down this avenue. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

secondly under the scheme I plan not to make enough money to pay tax and social security payments, just wondering what this level would be.

The law in Europe states that "any works carried out have to be as safe, sound, competent and with in specified tolerance" What it means is any work you take on (paid or unpaid) has to be right and if it isn't the customer has the right to have the work completely corrected at your expense. My advice would be stick to what you have agreed to do, don't do anything you are not sure about and don't do any "extras" until you have had the chance to have a good look at the work involved. Always agree a practice is to agree verbally and confirm in writing for your own peace of mind what you are undertaking and for how much. It is unbelievable how the simplest situation can turn around and bite you on the arse (and never forget there are con men on both sides of the fence....not just cowboy builders Ive met quite a few cowboy customers who know the above law and will not only set you up for a fall they then try and make a living suing tradesmen).If I was you I would write a list of jobs that old people and filthy rich people struggle to do and price it on the time it would take, say an 8 hour day nets 200 euro ,then 25 euros per hour should be a good place to start working out costs (minimum of 1 hour charge) give customers a list of costs and then everyone is singing the same tune and no one gets the wrong end of the stick. Also keep a good work diary of materials purchased, where you worked, what you did. The revenue are bad news and if you keep good records it makes life a lot easier if you get them on your back.

Any way good look and remember half a sandwich is better than going hungry and when you work for yourself it will always be famine or feast

this is the question, how far can you go, for example repairing some damaged plaster, fixing skirting boards assembling flat pack furniture etc.

i am not planning on doing any major electrical, plumbing or building work. just the every day minor stuff people never have time to fix, calling an artisan out for a half hour is it worth it type of jobs.

Hi Simon,

I am a self employed ceramic wall and floor tiler. I have to register with the chamber of commerce and have to show my indenture from my apprenticeship to prove I know my stuff then its liability insurance etc.........a lot of faff BUT it protects the trades. If you are doing the handy man thing how would you classify the skills involved and what boundaries would you set? Plumbing (gas work) electric work? you must have a limit as some building work requires only qualified trades to carry out these jobs otherwise the householders insurance would be null and void in the event of failure and you would be liable

homme à tout faire, I know doing gardening is a no no but doing every day tasks around a house is possible, ie cleaning gutters, cleaning windows and evening washing down drive ways and cars.

homme à tout faire - I'll let someone else answer that as it may involve the chambre de metiers for certain jobs. As for impôts and charges sociales - you pay them as soon as you start working as a percentage depending on your activity ;-)