Wrong Sexe on my new Carte de Sejour. Male instead of Female

Has anyone had any experience of sorting out incorrect info on their carte de sejour pluriannuelle ?
After 11 months of waiting for my carte, I finally got it this morning.
I only checked my name, my birthdate & the validity and didn’t bother to check the sexe since they called me Madame & even my appointment letter had Madame written so I figured they would know I was a ‘Madame’!
On my way back home, I noticed that the sexe in my carte was Male instead of Female.
and I couldn’t go back immediately since the prefecture was closed!

I have since moved to a different prefecture (Paris) and was hoping to have my address changed online but now I don’t know what to do about the ‘sexe’ change!

This prefecture (Nogent-sur-Marne) is notorious for being very slow and inefficient so I don’t think emails will work! Should I just get all the rectification done via Paris prefecture? Has anyone experienced this. Please Help!

Oh dear…make sure you carry a copy of you birth certificate and a proof of address with you until it is corrected.

This is supposed to be the procedure, and maybe try to do it alongside change of address. But do it LRAR. Good luck.

Démarches en cas d’erreur matérielle.

Si votre titre de séjour fait l’objet d’une erreur matérielle (faute d’orthographe, oubli d’un prénom, erreur dans une date de naissance), une simple de demande de rectification administrative réalisée par voie postale auprès de la préfecture à laquelle vous êtes affilié suffit. En joignant avec un pli un justificatif des informations que vous avancez, vous pourrez obtenir rapidement un titre de séjour corrigé.