Automatic Visa for second home owners - 20 December 2023 news

There is no arguing with you guys.

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I wonder if anyone has seen the text of the specific clause in the Immigration bill that is the subject of all the media (and SF!) interest, to see what it actually says? I’ve tried a couple of times to locate the text of the bill but have failed, to date.

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I forgot also, isn’t there a ‘charge’ for the NHS levied as well 2 or 3K for immigrant residents, whereas in France healthcare access once resident is on the same terms as France people?

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This here. (Some commentators think this late amendment was actually an admin mistake!)


There is - which means there’s no logic at all to the salary threshold.

ISTR it was Teresa May who introduced it.

Not something I’ve noticed on here. From a personal point of view, have no problem with non res Brits or others, not something I think about.


I did not know that, puts a different slant on him.

Now why would you like to argue in the first place, you’ll find debating more civilized and stimulating, weren’t you referring to negativity a couple of posts before this one?


Obviously there is. Arguing is easy and can be done with anyone. Just about.

Discussing, debating and persuading others of your point of view are rather harder.

All too often people make comments about others being difficult, denying free speech etc when all that is happening is that when person “A” has made some comment person “B” has not immediately responded “wow, you’re right, I never looked at it that way, I’ll change my entire world view”.

It is actually perfectly OK to discuss something then walk away having not changed your, or anyone else’s mind.

As long as the discussion is polite.

And who knows, maybe you will change someone’s mind one day.

But probably not by arguing which just tends to make people hunker down and defend their world view even harder.


Do you mean “Pull the ladder up Jack” Corona?

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Touching a belief level nearly always gets that response.

In answer to your question “What did you expect?” I expected some happy and positive comments that progress appeared to being made.

In response to your statement “There is no way any discussion could avoid that”, I would say its quite easy for amost anyone to do so if they wished, myself included. Do you really mean what you say?

There are lots of others who don’t need to discuss Brexit. For additional reference, the facebook group I mentioned earlier in this thread (FRANCE VISA FREE) created by Steven Jolly has 4,500 members. That group have been lobbying their deputies. Talk of Brexit in FVF is banned. In fact while that group has lots of questions about the latest news on the automatic visa, it is full of positive comment and thanks. You can check yourself on facebook if you like - but don’t ask me how to access it as I struggle with FB.


Latest comment from Steven Jolly:-

Understandably lots of questions are being asked regarding the new long stay visa law . Some of these have been repeatedly answered .Others cannot be answered as the detail is added by a council of state.
But for ease the law states it applies to the BRITISH OWNERS OF A SECONDARY RESIDENCE . If you are not an owner it does not apply
The law will not start until detail is added by a Council of State and a decree is issued . This process can take a year.

I cannot answer every question that is being asked for reasons given in the law itself . Please be patient .


Thanks Graeme. Tis the season to be Jolly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Thanks for that, I do like reading the specific laws / France guidance (usually for tax).

It reads like Long stay visa granted automatically for UK second home owners. Is the long stay visa for 6 months? If so I wonder what happens after 6 months, will they get another one - in which case they stay a year, could it be argued the residence then becomes the main residence and therefore not eligible for a long stay visa. And do people then become france tax liable?

Also I wonder which version of the text is adopted. It seems a little confusing. Your link is to text number 224 but it’s text 220 which is adopted?

The background gives the stages
 and an explanation of the processes ’ La procĂ©dure lĂ©gislative’ (if anyone’s interested) - first click where EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR LE TEXTE

'Les Ă©tapes de la discussion
PremiĂšre lecture - SĂ©nat
1 février 2023
PremiÚre lecture - Assemblée nationale
14 novembre 2023
19 décembre 2023

The last stage Commission mixte paritaire (accord) has
Texte de la commission n° 224 (2023-2024) déposé le 19 décembre 2023

and under SĂ©ance publique that
Texte n° 220 adoptĂ© dĂ©finitivement par l’AssemblĂ©e nationale le 19 dĂ©cembre 2023

But it’s text 224 which we see in the link? But 220 adopted? Clicking the link it says the document 220 is not available publicly.

maybe text 220 does not have the article 1K ?

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Or even (heaven forfend) change your own mind once you have listened to and understood a different point of view


I confess to having done that on several occasions, often with Billy, Susannah, Vero, AM and others input because they are discussions.

Now shall I start a thread on speaker leads :joy:


Full details are still to be agreed on but I believe it is for up to 6 months in any one year without the need to renew. Also does not impact on Schengen entitlement.

You’ll never change my opinion where audio leads are concerned :wink:


Ah, now audiophoolery is a bottomless pit of potential discussion.

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