I am now having difficulty posting a free announcement on leboncoin. I have been told that it is still possible, but am having difficulty. They mention on their site that you can buy ‘credits’, but when looking at that, they can be more expensive than posting on ebay.
Has anyone recenlty posted a free announcement on leboncoin and can assist?
That makes sense now - I have been looking to buy a car from Le Bon Coin but there are always too few photos.
I am also struggling getting people to reply to the Le Bon Coin messages - there is no phone number listed so messaging is the only option but no reply in over a week.
Business venture maybe but all three cars are listed under ‘particuliers’ and all three are in different towns. However that does not mean it is not legit………but it is unusual.
I often have problems raising an answer to a ‘message’ on leboncoin. I find the best way of getting a response nowadays is invariably to get the mobile number and send an sms.
It is definitely still free - you just choose to add extras (being top of the list / having your ad marked as ‘urgent’ etc.), but…I’ve found over the last few months that Facebook Marketplace is a much better option for selling stuff - people seem to trust it more.
I’ve not gone professional. i’m using the route that I have always done on there. I had heard that it has changed in recent months. I have just tried to post the advert on a further two occasions with no luck. The first time I received a notification that the advert would be live in 24 hours. I didn’t get that notification again.
You just never know… we once managed to buy a 1925 Citroen purely because the Seller spoke no French and our message was the only one he could understand…
Definitely not there. Mes annonces is empty. You also get an email to say it is going live. The first time that I posted it, a pop up told me it would be live in 24 hours or less.
Their online help doesn’t really help at all.