Watching one's weight

Found this link which others might find useful…
I’m pleased to have it confirmed that my weight is absolutely fine…

BMI has been largely discredited as a measure of healthy weight as it takes no great account of different body types (in particular bone and muscle mass) or actual fitness. I don’t think my BMI has ever been less than 29, even when I was running half marathons, which were always a challenge as I really don’t have a runner’s body type, I’m more like a rugby player but in miniature :blush:


fair comment…

It’s given the correct results for me and my OH… if someone has a better way to show whether one should or should not (possibly) change one’s eating/exercise habits… please post it here… on this thread :+1: :+1:

Ameli offers this

and it was today’s article which prompted me to look up my IMC

Yes, it’s ironic that many elite athletes are technically obese if measured solely using BMI.

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I definitely wouldn’t want to call Antoine Dupont fatty… pretty sure I’d not live to tell the tale.

Similarly, I met Sébastien Chabal many, many years ago when he was still playing for Sale Sharks iirc. For my own safety I was incredibly polite :rofl: He was awesome by the way… he even signed a rugby ball for my son when I told him he was French (told him that my son is French, I mean).


As the Ameli link clearly says… IMC is not the only indicator…

and this thread is about watching one’s weight…

so, rather than let this thread descend into this , that and whatever…

How about someone posting another useful link (preferably French)… ???
Pretty Please :wink:

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How do you know its correct Stella, its wrong for me as I had mine measured 2 weeks ago.

My Heart Specialist recently took all my measurements and pronounced me as being “fighting-fit” (except for a little hiccup with my heart :wink: )

Dont want to be the downer but that is the important bit BMI is inconsequencial.

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no probs… I know my hiccup is nothing to do with my IMC

and, as Ameli clearly points out… IMC is just one part of a thorough overall review of the patient’s health… :+1:

I’ve had the thorough overhaul… and passed my Controle Technique with just one “mention” :rofl:

The simple approach is one’s waist measurement in cm (combined with IMC or not). Abdominal fat is not good news for so many things so over 80cm women and 94 for men is a flag.

The diagram above is taken from the Haut Autorité de Santé’s guidance on obesity


Angela is amazing for her age but has a visceral fat danger.

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I think the better measurement is the height-waist ratio: Why your waist size matters - BHF

But the BHF article seems to suggest (as others have said) that the key point is how lardy one is around the waist.


So… how do you all watch your weight? Is it just by the feel of how comfortably one’s clothes fit … (perhaps just a bit too snug…) ???

fascinating to see the video , she had an IRM all in one…
I’ve had a few IRM’s over the years… (a bit like the song… “one piece at a time…”) thankfully with my head outside the tunnel on each occasion… phew…

It was quite surprising I thought. I have done my best to get rid of a fair bit of visceral fat as reported by my oncology surgeon. 5" off my waste. Orginally standing in front of the mirror tried sucking in my stomach, it did not move so something was wrong! Now I can stomach vacuum as they call it with the best of them. Friends (some) copied my regime and likewise lost a lot of the dangerous fat. Sadly some just went on to have heart attacks but are doing better now.

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She had an expensive private specialist taking the time to analyse the images. Generally an MRI has a specific goal and that’s all that is looked at. As well as isolated body part MRIs I’ve had top of neck down to toes, with detailed results in terms of the state of each of my joints, but they weren’t analysing the squishy stuff.

(She also went to posh centre, as headphones and music. Mine have all been a couple of earplugs!).

Look at your profile in bathroom mirror! (Without sucking in your stomach)

How does that help? I do pilates so can suck in abdominal area, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there!

I was quite fortunate that the MRIs I had with the prostate cancer identified the beginnings of osteoarthritis in the hips, which was the first explanation I had for the discomfort, not to mention quashing my concerns about metastases there.