Don’t know if this will actually arrive where it is expected… but perhaps forewarned is forearmed.
How are you all doing… 35c in the shade at the moment… and a deal hotter in the sun of course…
The house is a cool 23c and that’s where we are staying, pottering around gently, gently.
I’m getting some computer work done … well, giving it a go.
Went out this afternoon in the car, roof down, and measured 35’C on the gauge - baking - hope I wont regret that later
now then… how long have you been here…???
We were told in no uncertain terms by the local folk… that “only fools” go out with the top-down on their cars between 11am and 5pm during hot spells …
Ooops, no wonder we both looked like boiled-beetroot most of the time, when we were first here… we were so excited to see the sun, it seemed a shame to keep it at bay…
Nowadays, we chuckle and say “Brits” when we see folk driving unprotected in a heatwave or even just normal summer sunshine… during those “no-go” hours
Think I learnt my lesson today been like a kid after Xmas all week
I’m hoping the novelty wears off as plenty of other things I need to focus on
Drove past Nîmes at 11am this morning. 36C and it could only get hotter. Thankfully, I ended up in La Ciotat, where it was 28C at 4pm
Been talking with a new neighbour. She’s miffed at not being able to be out and about in her huge garden… but understands it’s not wise. She’s roasting and had no idea France could get so hot…
She can do as I’ve been doing. 6am in the garden weeding and dead heading is a positive pleasure.
I mentioned the pleasures of the early mornings… but this is her first Summer and I think it’s a bit of a shock. ~So many UK folk think the sun is there to be enjoyed all day.
Frankly, we’re pottering early, like you, then crashing indoors until evening cools (if ever…)
Fifteen years ago we arrived on July 4th - temperature 34 degrees. Off-loading furniture in that heat was a bit of a shock. More of a shock though was finding a few winters later that this part of France can have snow and in quite large amounts!
We came armed with our snow shovel, used each winter in UK.
Our neighbours were amused but more than willing to borrow it…
I can’t remember who finally kept it or broke it, but after a few years we couldn’t find it… and now we don’t get that much… ah well.
Mad dogs and Englishmen eh?
Meteo France might well be suggesting 33c but it’s actually 38c in the shade right here… phew, thank heavens for stone houses… it’s only 24c inside today
Absolutely baking just purchased a mobile outside shower, so absolutely delightful in this weather - just hope the neighbours don’t have long range binoculars
Is that the “grown-up-version” of kids playing with the garden hose on a sunny day …