I always, always had wanderlust and this is one of the posters that inspired me to follow my dream. The Art of Travel , Norman Parkinson 1951
i love cinema posters there are so many hard to choose.
First film we went to actually see at a cinema that I can remember was Mary Poppins but all time: Day of the trifids and war of the world both old school
This is one of my favourites having worked on the Norway in the 90s
She was renamed SS Norway but was previously the SS France
This is fun too, by our very own @Neil_Whitehead1
Some of the Hitchcock artwork is fabulous too, I’ll dig some out tomorrow. Great post!
My favourite poster is Simon,
is there another poster with so much charm, wit and erudition ?
LOL - thanks Peter - cheque in the post! Enjoy your Sunday!!
Prefer cash please mate, yer last cheque bounced …
I have exactly the same poster Mary
There are lots of minor variations depending on the particular exposition, all are good works of art IMHO
hahah was just thinking the same but mine would be a mix of a few folks.
I go back even further in my favorites (note all my books on Posters on amazon.com). I have over 18,000 images in my files yes, Eighteen Thousand so definitely not an easy choice although I admit to not keeping photographic posters as I was an commercial artist myself, so a prejudiced in favour of people who used pencils, pens and brushes, which puts my appreciation more in the pre-War days and earlier Overall the Munich School stand out Hohlwein, Hans Rudi Erd etc. The Italians produced the most brilliant ‘works of art’, As I write I am just sorting out a couple: How do you add an image here?
Norman hello - one of the ways to add an image is to upload it from your computer using the ‘up-arrow’ in the reply / edit box
Happy Birthday Norman.